Modular wooden racks made to serve the divine drink.
Countless shapes or sizes of racks. Easy assembly without tools, screws or glue.
Among other production assortment, the company «Mexi» Serbia has included in its production programme, as license holder, the new product:
Innovative (patent n° 58733) modular wine racks for storage and keeping of wines
Basic preconditions for realization of the unique structural solution are ensured, besides standard equipment there is special equipment, too, as well as tools. For racks production, it has been used domestic raw wood material – walnut, cherry, oak, ash and beech.
Unlimited structural and design solutions enable racks production in several phases:
Assembled racks: in the first phase we started with production of 15 assembled models of racks made of beech and of square and rectangular shape;
Not assembled racks: in the second phase we will deliver elements made of walnut, cherry, oak and ash, and from which buyers will made themselves chosen models of racks;
Autonomous designing of racks by the buyers: in the third phase we will offer on the our website special software, and buyers will have unique opportunity to choose material and design model and size of rack on their own in accordance with their own needs, creative potential, available space and financial means. And finally, price, dimensions and weight of rack are given, as exit data of designing process; and
Designing and production of racks for space furnishing: on the basis of space dimensions obtained from prospective buyers, our team will prepare offer which will include design, production and assembling of racks for furnishing wine cellars, wineshops, restaurants...
Horizontal, vertical and diagonal directions, for single and two-fold storage of bottles
With original design in hexagonal shape of honeycomb, our racks have the characteristics, as follows:
- From two basic elements or of modified elements, which are five in total, it is possible to produce unlimited number of models and sizes, without usage of glue, tools or screws;
- Opening of Ø 90 mm enables placement of all standard bottles, which are in commercial usage, with possibility of placement of bottles with larger diameters and champagne on the top of rack;
- Maximum usage of space for bottle storage is due to wall size between openings amounts only 5 mm; and
- Storage and transport of modular elements reduce necessary space by twice in comparison with assembled racks, and it have an effect on reducing of expenses, as well.
Structural solution for racks ensures the best possible conditions for preserving quality of wine:
- Bottles are placed in horizontal position, with cork wetted with wine; by which it is disabled drying of cork and air entrance in bottle, disabling wine oxidation;
- Opening shape and size disable negative influence of daily and artificial light, as well as oxidation of wine;
- Opening size enables optimal air circulation in space where bottle is placed; absence of large temperature changes is important for preserving of wine quality;
- Elastic rack structure of wood diminishing unwanted vibration and turbidity of wine; and
- Bottles are placed in desirable natural environment of wooden material.
If wine is Your bottled poetry, our racks are your library.
Special offer
We use highest quality cherry, walnut, oak, ash, and beech material for production. Nuances ranging from white to red are achieved by natural process - steaming.